Dr. Stein's Blog
for ME/CFS, FM, ES, Long COVID and Chronic Pain

Eleanor Stein, MD FRCP(C)
Can Any Good Come From Chronic Illness? Guest Blog By Ari Cubangbang
Can Any Good Come From Chronic Illness? Guest Blog By Ari Cubangbang chronic illness May 30, 2022

(the audio at the top of this blog is a narration by Ari of the text below.  This audio version is for those people who prefer to listen than to read)

How I Came to Eleanor Stein’s Group...

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Eleanor Stein, MD FRCP(C)
Classic Pacing with Ingebjørg Midesem Dahl
Classic Pacing with Ingebjørg Midesem Dahl fibromyalgia Mar 31, 2022

This blog is guest written by Norwegian author Ingebjørg Midsem Dahl. Ms. Dahl is severely ill with ME. She wrote the book Classic Pacing to help others learn from her experience, extensive...

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Eleanor Stein, MD FRCP(C)
Know Pain, by Debbie Patterson
Know Pain, by Debbie Patterson chronic pain Mar 07, 2022

My name is Debbie Patterson. I am a Registered Physiotherapist in the provinces of Ontario and Alberta. I am also a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and a founding member of the...

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Eleanor Stein, MD FRCP(C)
ME/CFS Recovery Story
ME/CFS Recovery Story advocacy me/cfs Jan 31, 2022

 This is a story written by Mellissa, a person managing the symptoms of ME/CFS and comorbidities and how her life was transformed by Dr. Stein’s educational programs. Introducing...

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Eleanor Stein, MD FRCP(C)
ICanCME: Interdisciplinary Canadian Collaborative ME Research Network
ICanCME: Interdisciplinary Canadian Collaborative ME Research Network me/cfs help me/cfs research Jan 23, 2022

In August 2019, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) funded the first team grant ever for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.


The press release states “Government of Canada invests...

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Eleanor Stein, MD FRCP(C)
Meet Dr. Neil Nathan, MD
Meet Dr. Neil Nathan, MD me/cfs help Jan 17, 2022

About Neil Nathan MD

Dr. Neil Nathan is one of few physicians who enjoys the challenge of learning how to help patients with complex chronic diseases, diseases most other physicians don’t...

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fMRI Evidence - Neuroplastic Intervention Is Effective for Chronic Low Back Pain chronic pain neuroplasticity Oct 19, 2021

Hot off the Press! Research Update

If you have read my blog posts or attended my online course Pathways to Improvment, you will know that I have become increasingly interested in the power of...

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How Do You Know If Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia or Environmental Sensitivities Information Is Legitimate? me/cfs research Oct 16, 2021

When False Ideas Cost Lives - Scurvy and ME/CFS

In any young field and in the absence of gold standard tests and treatments theories about what causes and what cures diseases abound. This has been...

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What’s New in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research for 2021? covid-19 me/cfs Oct 11, 2021

From the IACFS/ME Virtual Conference 2021

Attending the IACFS/ME Second Virtual Scientific Conference, I was left with hope for the future. The number of serious biomedical researchers in the field...

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Research Update on Fibromyalgia, 2021 chronic pain fibromyalgia Oct 11, 2021

The Third International Virtual Congress on Fibromyalgia

On June 24 - 25 I attended  the Third International Virtual Congress on Fibromyalgia. Many of the presenters were from Europe and were...

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How to Sleep Better at Night Naturally sleep Aug 16, 2021

Sleep research is advancing by leaps and bounds. The most exciting information to me is understanding what is happening in the brain during the various sleep stages. Understanding the biology of...

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Should people with ME/CFS, FM and Environmental Sensitivities get the COVID vaccine? covid-19 fm me/cfs Mar 19, 2021

With very few exceptions - YES.


August 22, 2021: Updated COVID information: The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines on the delta variant.


How are people with ME/CFS, FM and ES...

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