Store for Guided Education

Live Group Courses

Live! with Dr. Stein

  • 75-minute live sessions every other Thursday at 11 am MT on Zoom with Dr. Stein;
  • Get credible, science-based, and cutting-edge information about how to live healthier and longer.
  • A safe, supportive, and welcoming community for people with complex chronic diseases.

Prerequisite:  none

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Pathways In Action

  • Live sessions with a mentor to improve your self-management and improve your health;
  • Get the support of a group of like-minded people who "get it";
  • Meet others and Join the conversations in the Community.

    Prequisite:  you must have been previously enrolled in Pathways to Improvement to participate in Pathways in Action.
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Neuroplasticity in Action

  • Live sessions with mentors to improve your neuroplasticity practice and improve your health;
  • Get the support of a group of like-minded people who "get it". Meet others and Join the conversations in the Community.

    Prequisite:  you must have been previously enrolled in Healing Through Neuroplasticity to be eligible for Neuroplasticity in Action.
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Self Study Courses

Pathways to Improvement

  • Pathways to Improvement for ME, CFS, FM, ES and Long COVID is a 9 session self-study program to help you feel and live better;
  • It focuses heavily on learning self-management tools that you can employ every day and get immediate results.
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Single Pathway 3: Sleep

  • This is one of the 8 Pathways modules.
  • Is for self-study to do at your own pace. It does not include any live sessions;
  • Focuses exclusively on sleep and provides information, tools, and resources to help people with ME, CFS, FM, ES and Long COVID to improve sleep.
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Healing Through Neuroplasticity: Pathways to Pain-Free Living

Yes. Chronic pain is 100% reversible.

  • Take charge of your pain and regain your life without the need for pharmaceutical drugs or expensive treatments;
  • If you have tried everything to release your pain, including drugs, injections, devices, manual treatments, CBT and more, this course is for you. 
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Webinar Recordings

Hacking Lyme Disease and Related Conditions Using Lifestyle, Common Herbal Medicines and Supplements

Featuring Dr. Marty Ross
Recorded June 24, 2024


  • The best supportive herbal medicines for adrenal and thyroid function, detox, inflammation and pain control, and healthy intestinal function;
  • Herbal and prescription antibiotics and antifungals to remove tick-borne infections and intestinal yeast overgrowth;
  • The key steps to managing chronic tick-borne infections.
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How Do People With Complex Chronic Conditions Recover?

An interview with Raelan Agle 
Recorded June 6, 2024


  • Strategies and patterns most often used by people who recover from complex chronic diseases;
  • Obstacles to recovery and how to get out of your own way;

  • How to safely incorporate more movement and activity into your life.

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Chronic Lyme Disease 

Featuring Dr. Timothy Cook 
Recorded May 31, 2024


  • What complex chronic diseases are;
  • How your symptoms can suggest the underlying cause;
  • The global investigations available in the Canadian public health and private systems;
  • How conventional and functional medicine approaches can effectively restore health.
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Harnessing the Power of Qigong for Holistic Wellness

Featuring Munira Jiwa, Qigong Master - Recorded May 2, 2024


  • What Qigong is and how it differs from yoga and Tai Chi;
  • How Qigong can be applied to promote physical, mental, and emotional balance;
  • Practical techniques to integrate Qigong into your life;
  • How you can use Qigong elementsto experience your optimal health.
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Similar Symptoms and Abnormalities in ME, CFS, and Long COVID

Featuring Dr. Anthony Komaroff - Recorded April 3, 2024


  • What long COVID is, why you have so many different symptoms and what is going on in the body;
  • How long COVID and ME, CFS is similar  and different;
  • What is happening at the cellular and organ level in people with long COVID;
  • Current treatments available.
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Managing Orthostatic Intolerance

Featuring Dr. Peter Rowe - Recorded March 1, 2024


  • The common types of orthostatic intolerance, including postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS), syncope (fainting);
  • The main clinical features of orthostatic intolerance;
  • Practical ways to reduce the likelihood of provoking orthostatic symptoms in day-to-day life;
  • Non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical management options.
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Making the Invisible Visible

Featuring building biologist Mitch Marchand - Recorded October 25, 2022


  • The different types of human-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wireless tech and electricity;
  • The potential health effects; and
  • What you can do to reduce your exposure.
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Activate Your Vagus Nerve

Featuring Dr. Navaz Habib -Recorded September 13, 2022


  • How to improve the function of the most important nerve for your health;
  • Take back control of your health by learning the tools that leading experts use to overcome Autoimmunity, Brain Fog, Inflammation, and much more!



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Know Pain

Featuring registered physiotherapist and teacher, Debbie Patterson -Recorded March 29, 2022 


  • Key concepts of pain science, with an emphasis on Neuroplasticity;
  • How to begin to rewire your brain to produce less pain. 
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ME/CFS, FM and ES:
Causes and Treatments

Featuring Dr. Neil Nathan - Recorded February 12, 2022


  • How ME/CFS, FM and ES are due to underlying causes such as exposures to toxic mold and Lyme disease.
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DEEP Pacing

Featuring Dr. Eleanor Stein - Recorded September 11, 2021


  • How pacing effectively, attending holistically to the mind and the body, will help you to stabilize your energy, and give you more control and predictability of your life.
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Breathe Well, Be Well

Featuring PT and Breath Specialist Jessica DeMars - Recorded January 30, 2021


  • That breathing is the foundation of health;
  • How proper breathing can make a positive impact on your well-being.
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Books and Manuals by Dr. Stein

Detailed recommendations to manage these conditions are found in my book and manual.

More Light (ebook)

  • Dr. Stein's newest book is still being written but you can purchase the individual chapters as they are released;
  • Chapters are in PDF version and can be downloaded to your computer;
  • Click on this box or image for a list of available chapters.
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Let Your Light Shine Through - Manual

  • Dr. Stein shares the strategies that she has found to be the most successful for living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and now Long COVID. 
  • Available in downloadable full-color PDF format, b/w coil bound (printed) and color coil bound (printed).
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What Guided Education is Best for Me?

Each product provides different tools and knowledge and fits based on your best learning style.

  • Live! with Dr. Stein This subscription-based membership gives you a front row seat every two weeks via Zoom to learn new and innovative strategies to improve your health. Ask questions of me and my growing world-wide community live. In between sessions, communicate with others and continue the conversation in a private community.
  • Expert Speaker Series  gives you direct access via Zoom to experts on topics central to complex chronic disease. Listen to cutting-edge presentations and ask your questions. Then, review at your leisure with unlimited access to the recording and resources.
  • Pathways to Improvement online self-study course teaches the foundational self-management strategies that have stood the test of time over my 35-year career. Purchase of the course includes unlimited access to over 9 hours of easy-to-follow recorded lessons, membership in a private community to learn even more, a free download of my manual Let Your Light Shine Through, and many references and resources. 
  • Healing Through Neuroplasticity online self-study course teaches how to use neuroplasticity-based practice to rewire your brain for better health.  Purchase of the course includes unlimited access to over 9 hours of easy to follow recorded lessons, membership in a private community to find a practice buddy, and many references and resources. 
  • Book and Manuals provide science-based strategies to improve your health. There are many resources and references to help you and your healthcare team.

If you are still trying to find the right resources best suited for your learning style, please feel free to reach out to us for help