Free Videos About Complex Chronic Diseases

ME, CFS, FM, Sensitivities, Chronic Pain and Long COVID

Knowledge gives you the power to heal.

Using Wearable Trackers to Pace Better and Decrease PEM

Did you know that the data you get from your wearable tracker can help you improve your pacing and energy levels?

In this presentation to ME International on May 10, 2024, Dr. Stein explains

  • the contributors to and symptoms of post-exertional malaise (PEM)
  • basic pacing strategies to keep your energy stable and minimize crashes
  • how to use heart rate and heart rate variability data from your wearable tracker to improve pacing
  • lots of Q&A

Pacing Made Simple Downloadable Handout

Suppose you want to avoid taking heaps of notes while listening to the presentation. You can download Dr. Stein's 9-page handout, which is packed with information you can start using right away to understand and improve pacing to stabilize your energy using basic strategies and wearable tracker data.


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of Dr. Stein's
Pacing Made Simple handout. 

Dr. Stein's Clinical Approach to Patients With Complex Chronic Diseases

Presented by Dr. Eleanor Stein and Simon Pimenta
April 18, 2024.

In this interview, Simon Pimenta interviews Dr. Stein about how she conducted her clinic and treated complex chronic conditions. Here are some of the primary topics:

00:00 - 06:10 Introduction

06:11 - 15:00 Clinical approach to chronic complex conditions

15:01 - 31:49 Levers to improve health

31:50 - 48:04 Why and how self-management works

48:05 - 52:38  Recommended books

52:39 - 1:29:00 Q&A


With Two Fibromyalgia Experts

Presented by Dr. Eleanor Stein and Dr. Yoni Whitten
Feb 29, 2024.

In this webinar, Drs. Stein and Whitten responded to questions from the online audience. Below are some of the primary topics: 

13:10 - 19:00  Brain fog—can it be eliminated?

18:50 - 21:35  Vitamins, importance of Vitamin D

23:15 - 30:15  Supplements, Omega3, fish oils, Vitamin D

30:30 - 35:31  Nociplastic Pain, sensitivity to light, to sound, to taste, to touch, and to vibration

35:36 - 38:39  Connection of mind and body, effects of microbiome on the brain

39:01 - 44:07  Pacing, exercise, working 'in' versus working 'out'

44:70 - 48:00  Correlation between FM and osteo-arthritis, head-position, ultra-processed foods

48:00 - 52:00  How long does it take to get better?

52:00 - 57:40  Other comments by Dr. Whitten, nutrient-deficiency testing, vitamin D testing, head position

57:40 - 58:45  Sleep

58:50 - 59:40  Daily light exposure

1:00:20 - 1:01:42  Mindset, power of hope


How to Get Restorative Sleep

Presented by Dr. Eleanor Stein to
TCR sport Lab Feb 5, 2024.

In this webinar you will learn

  • why we don’t get enough sleep,
  • the consequences of insufficient sleep,
  • how to optimize sleep and wake refreshed,
  • how to manage jetlag/time changes, and
  • helping kids get enough sleep.

10 Strategies for More Refreshing Sleep Without Medication - Free Downloadable Handout

This handout is 10 pages and includes

  1. How to adjust your body clock for better sleep
  2. How to use your heart rate to improve sleep
  3. How to identify foods, toxins and EMF that might interfere with your sleep

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Enter your name and email and the free document is on its way to your inbox.

Make Stress Your Ally

a webinar co-presented by
Dr. Stein and Simon Pimenta

Did you know that stress is essential to health?  We can’t get to or stay at optimal health without stress. 

If you are someone who fears and avoids stress, this presentation will rock your world. Learn how to shift your mindset about stress and learn simple strategies to benefit from it.


 How To Use Neuroplasticity To Heal Chronic Pain
December 6, 2023

I shared some of the keys to using neuroplasticity to decrease chronic pain and other associated symptoms. The recording includes over 30 minutes of a fascinating and helpful Q&A.


ME/CFS: What Can Help Heal Your Pain?
An interview with Simon Pimenta Life Coach
October 2022

Simon lives in the UK and had ME/CFS and fibromyalgia for 8 years. As a result of learning brain training techniques, he went from being bed-bound and unable to walk for one minute, to working full-time and playing sports for hours! Following his recovery, he did extensive training, eventually creating his own program. He specializes in working with people with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, and more recently, long COVID and related conditions, sharing what he learned from his own experience, both personal and professional. He runs a free Facebook group called ME/CFS EXPLORED.

In this video, Simon talks to Dr. Stein on the topic of healing pain using Neuroplasticity and other approaches.

Meetup: Neuroplasticity of the Brain

I was the invited speaker on September 21, 2022, for the  Neuroplasticity of the Brain Meetup—a Calgary-based meetup with over 1000 members. In this presentation, I gave a detailed summary of neuroplasticity, how it causes pain, how we can leverage it to heal from persistent pain and the neuroplasticity boosters, which allow practice to be more effective. These are all topics covered in more depth in Healing through Neuroplasticity. My presentation is 45 minutes followed by a very engaged Q&A session with the attendees. The video recording here is 73 minutes in length. If you are interested in the Meetup group, you can see details and signup here. All newcomers are welcome. There is no cost to join or to attend.


The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast
Episode 8: MCS Is Not an Anxiety Disorder
An Interview With Dr. Eleanor Stein
July 24, 2022

Dr. Stein was featured as a guest speaker on this show hosted by Dr. Aaron Goodman, PhD. The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast is aired twice per month. Its purpose is to amplify the voices of people with MCS and to highlight the critical work that researchers and clinicians like Dr. Stein are doing to further the cause.

To listen to the interview between Dr. Stein and Dr. Goodman, CLICK HERE. It is free.

Interview with the Bill Nelems Pain and Research Centre
Fibromyalgia: What We Know and What We can Do
June 27, 2022

The Bill Nelems Pain & Research Centre, located in Kelowna, British Columbia, is a pain management clinic specializing in procedural, medical, and rehab interventions for chronic pain.

In this webinar, Dr. Stein discusses some of the latest research on the new category of nociplastic pain of which Fibromyalgia is the poster child. The type of persistent, widespread pain-associated symptoms found in FM is caused by a brain process called sensitization. This is good news because we can learn to return the brain to normal processing by the consistent application of simple neuroplasticity-based tools. This neuroscience is the basis of Dr. Stein's new online course Healing through Neuroplasticity.

Video Poster Image

MCS and Anxiety: Dispelling the Myth
May 6, 2022

On May 6, Dr. Stein was a guest speaker for The ASEQ-EHAQ - L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Québec as part of International Awareness month. From her 20 years + experience as a psychiatrist treating patients with MCS, Dr. Stein explained why, although some people with MCS (as with any medical condition) can have mental health symptoms, MCS is not a psychiatric disorder. When patients with MCS are misdiagnosed as having a mental health disorder, their physical symptoms are dismissed and they are offered incorrect treatment. 
If you prefer to read about this topic, the content is published in text and audio on Dr. Stein's blog page. 


Interview With the Environmental Health Association of Québec / L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec
- March 12, 2022

The National Institute of Public Health Québec (Institut national de santé publique du Québec – INSPQ) recently published a report on MCS concluding that anxiety and not chemical exposure is the cause of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). This a conclusion reached without consultation with people with lived experience, or experts in MCS.


Dr. Stein was invited to discuss questions arising from the report at the ASEQ-EHAQ  (L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Québec) Annual General Meeting on March 12, 2022. This session was recorded and the discussion is in English and French. L’enregistrement est en français et en anglais.

The English version of the summary of the report can be found here : Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, an integrative approach to identifying the pathophysiological mechanisms. The ASEQ-EHAQ has started an action to remove this report at:

To learn more, visit the bilingual websites / / /

Blog from ANZMES (Association of New Zealand Myalgic Encephalopathy Societies Inc.)

ANZMES is the national support organization for ME sufferers and their carers in New Zealand.

Health Rising’s What’s Up, Doc? Series Begins With Dr. Eleanor Stein—an interview on May 24, 2021

What’s Up Doc? is a series hosted by Cort Johnson and dedicated to exploring what’s catching the eyes and ears of ME/CFS/FM and allied disorders doctors.

See all blogs about Dr. Stein on Health Rising

My Podcast Interview With Dr. Courtney Craig — May 4, 2021

In this 48-minute podcast, we discuss a wide range of topics. I begin by telling the story of what I have learned in my 32-year history with ME/CFS, FM and ES. I answer some hard questions from Dr. Craig, including the apparent conflict between psychiatry and ME/CFS and how self-management can possibly help in these serious biomedical conditions.

Self-management does not cure ME/CFS, FM or ES. But what we think, feel, and do impacts biology. Neuroplasticity, in particular, has caught my attention. It is a living connection between the mind and the body. It allows us to plan changes to our brains and bodies by changing behavior - amazing.

We are all awaiting transformative biological interventions for ME/CFS, FM and ES. However, even in conditions for which there are powerful biological treatments, self-management remains important. I designed my online course to fill the need for accurate disease-specific self-management strategies.

I hope you enjoy the podcast. And a big thank you to Dr. Craig for offering the platform of hope.

Click on the following link to hear my podcast conversation with Dr. Courtney Craig:

About Dr. Courtney Craig
Dr. Craig received her clinical training at Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida. She also completed undergraduate exercise science studies at the College of William and Mary. She graduated with honors from the University of Bridgeport’s Human Nutrition Institute Master program. Dr. Craig studied at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, with a focus on nutrition and biomedical research. She was a visiting scientist at Cornell’s Center for Enervating Neuroimmune Disease.

Dr. Stein's Interview on the CBC Alberta Provincial Late News on April 18, 2021


â—Ź 10 to 30% of people who contract COVID 19 don't recover fully as expected. These lingering symptoms are referred to as long haul, Post-COVID, or long COVID.
● The symptoms of long COVID include severe fatigue, post exertional malaise, unrefreshing sleep, brain fog and unstable blood pressure—very similar to symptoms of ME/CFS.
â—Ź Number one take home message if you have long COVID is to PACE. This means living within your energy bank account. Try to save a bit of energy every day so the body can use it to heal.
â—Ź We hope this sensible self-management will help people with long COVID recover.


Part 1:  What is ME/CFS?

In this video, I describe ME/CFS. It includes a 5-minute video of the same name from the Bateman Horne Centre (used with permission). Each of the criteria suggested in the 2015 IOM/NAM report is explained. The Bateman Horne video is a cartoon and easily accessible to all viewers.


Pour regarder cette vidéo avec des sous-titres en Français. Veuillez cliquer ce lien pour la traduction :

Première Partie: Qu'est-ce que l'EM/SFC

Part 2:  Diagnosis

In this recording, I describe the questions a healthcare practitioner could ask a patient to confirm whether they meet the criteria for ME/CFS. I also describe some of the conditions that frequently accompany ME. If you are a patient, consider what your answers are to these questions. I have included audio clips from real patients answering these questions to give a feel of the lived experience of ME/CFS.


Pour regarder cette vidéo avec des sous-titres en Français. Veuillez cliquer ce lien pour la traduction :

Deuxième Partie: Le diagnostic de l'EM/SFC

Part 3:  Management

In this recording, I introduce the most helpful management strategies for each of the common symptoms of ME/CFS, those included in the SEID criteria, the Canadian Consensus Criteria, and the conditions that often accompany ME. I include audio clips from real patients to help give you an idea of what these symptoms are like and how people have improved over time. There is hope.


Pour regarder cette vidéo avec des sous-titres en Français. Veuillez cliquer ce lien pour la traduction :

Troisième Partie: Gestion d'EM/SFC