Resources for Nutrition & Supplements

 Heal with the Power of Food

Nourish your body and improve digestion with
Dr. Stein’s online courses, mentorship, and materials.

Get on your nutritional path today.

About Nutrition & Supplements

Nutrition and supplements play a critical role in the journey of individuals facing myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), environmental sensitivities (ES), long COVID or chronic pain.

  • The body’s natural healing capacity is our most powerful ally.
  • What you eat daily impacts your health in real-time through nutrition, nutrient signaling, genetic expression and effects on the bacteria growing in and on us (microbiome).
  • If we provide our bodies with the necessary nutrients, we increase our chance of healing.
  • Despite what you read, there is no universal dietary solution.
  • Discover the best eating plan for you by listening to your body, charting and tracking.

Many community members, including myself, have reported that a diet change was the key to their improvement.

As someone who understands these challenges firsthand, I recognize the importance of exploring personalized approaches to nutrition and supplementation for managing chronic complex diseases effectively.

Online Courses

Self-Study Course
Pathways to Improvement

Learn to take charge of your health to help you feel and live better. Your body needs optimal nutrition to function optimally. There are no shortcuts. Self-management works!

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Live Online Mentorship
Pathways In Action

Learn to individualize and optimize your self-management with the support of a mentor and small group. Ask your questions about diet and nutrition and learn from the collective wisdom in the live sessions.

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Membership to Live Sessions
Live! with Dr. Stein

Evidence-based presentations and Q&A with Dr. Stein. Credible, science-based, and cutting edge information about how to live longer and healthier. 

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Let Your Light Shine Through
In this manual, Dr. Stein shares the strategies she has found to be the most successful for patients in her 35-year medical practice working with ME, CFS, FM, ES, chronic pain, and more recently, long Covid. Readers are guided through a 286-page, 4-month program specific to these conditions. Let Your Light Shine Through is filled with practical, no-to-low-cost management suggestions, tools and resources. Formats available: hardcopy coil-bound and digital download. 

More Details

Free Resources

Newsletter Signup

Sign up for news about ME, CFS, FM, ES, long COVID, and Chronic Pain.

Helpful Blogs

Access helpful articles about the specific needs of people with complex chronic diseases.

Educational Videos

Choose from a library of
Dr. Stein’s free videos.

Audio for Relaxation

Listen to or download meditations and audio files for reducing stress.

Publications and Presentations

Learn more from Dr. Stein’s
years of research, writing, and presentations.


Read what others have to say
about Dr. Stein’s offerings.

Other Online Resources

Access other online resources
that Dr. Stein recommends.

Other Practitioners

Find a practitioner who meets
Dr. Stein’s criteria for recommendation.