Dr. Stein's Blog
for ME/CFS, FM, ES, Long COVID and Chronic Pain

Whatā€™s New in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research for 2021? covid-19 me/cfs Oct 11, 2021

From the IACFS/ME Virtual Conference 2021

Attending the IACFS/ME Second Virtual Scientific Conference, I was left with hope for the future. The number of serious biomedical researchers in the field...

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Should people with ME/CFS, FM and Environmental Sensitivities get the COVID vaccine? covid-19 fm me/cfs Mar 19, 2021

With very few exceptions - YES.


August 22, 2021: Updated COVID information: The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines on the delta variant.


How are people with ME/CFS, FM and ES...

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Mental and Psychological Effects of Covid 19 covid-19 Apr 20, 2020

During my group psychotherapy sessions this week and last, we spent lots of time discussing how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people's lives. Ironically, many patients report that they have...

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