What Conditions Qualify for Disability in Canada by John Wodak
Jun 16, 2017John attended the event at the Cardel Theatre in person.
At the top of this screen is the video recording of John's talk. The audio-only version may be downloaded to your computer or mobile device. A copy of John's presentation slides is also available along with a written summary of his presentation compiled by Dr. Stein.
In this presentation, John will cover the following topics
- What does it mean to be disabled
- What conditions qualify for disability in Canada.
- Disability support
- CPP-D/ AISH: how to fill out the forms and what to include.
About John Wodak
John took early retirement in 1993, and for the past 20+ years has been working in his present “job” as a volunteer advocate, affiliated principally (but not exclusively) with the local support groups for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He got into this work mainly because his wife was diagnosed with CFS and FM in 1991, and it’s difficult (if not impossible) to take someone to a support group meeting without being persuaded to volunteer!
Most of John’s work involves CPPD and AISH applications and appeals, but he is also familiar with many aspects of disability insurance. Over the years, he has provided advice and/or assistance to more than 700 individuals, many of whom had nowhere else to go for help. He is a co-author of a Guide to CPPD applications and appeals, available for downloading on the National ME/FM Action Network’s website.
Contact Info:
Email: [email protected]
Included in this Recording
- Disability is not entirely a medical issue. There are other things to consider.
- One also needs to consider personal support systems, family responsibilities, and employer accommodations.
- Where you can turn to for help – union/professional associations, support groups, friends/relatives, legal aid.
If you are seeking help in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, check out my latest books or online sessions liked here.