Videos for ME/CFS, FM, ES and Long COVID

Knowledge is Power - The Power to Heal

An Introduction to
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

These three educational videos introduce what ME is, how to diagnose it and how to manage the most common symptoms. To reach a wide audience including those who only know the disease as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I use the term ME/CFS throughout the presentations.

The videos are adapted from recordings I created for the 1st year medical students at the University of Calgary. They are suitable for anyone relatively new to the disease: patients, loved ones, carers and health care practitioners.

The recordings on diagnosis and management include audio clips from real patients sharing their experience.Thank you to all of the contributors ranging from people who are significantly recovered and people who remain severely ill.

At the end of each video are resource slide/s with links to reputable websites with more information.

A big thank you to Australian artist Amanda Francey who gave permission to include her ME related artwork. Click here to view more of Amanda's work. 

If you like what you hear and want to learn more, check out the other resources and courses on my webpage.

Part 1:  What is ME/CFS?

In this video I describe what ME/CFS is. It includes a 5-minute video of the same name from the Bateman Horne Centre (used with permission). Each of the  criteria suggested in the 2015 IOM/NAM report is explained. The Bateman Horne video is a cartoon and easily accessible to all viewers.


Pour regarder cette vidéo avec des sous-titres en Français. Veuillez cliquer ce lien pour la traduction :

Première Partie: Qu'est-ce que l'EM/SFC ?

Part 2:  Diagnosis

In this recording I describe the questions a health care practitioner could ask a patient to confirm whether they meet criteria for ME/CFS or not. I also describe some of the conditions that frequently accompany ME. If you are a patient, consider what your answers are to these questions. I have included audio clips from real patients answering these questions to give a feel of the lived experience of ME/CFS.


Pour regarder cette vidéo avec des sous-titres en Français. Veuillez cliquer ce lien pour la traduction :

Deuxième Partie: Le diagnostic de l'EM/SFC

Part 3:  Management

In this recording I introduce the most helpful management strategies for each of the common symptoms of ME/CFS, those included in the SEID criteria, the Canadian Consensus Criteria and the conditions that often accompany ME. I include audio clips from real patients to help give you an idea what these symptoms are like and how people have improved over time. There is hope.


Pour regarder cette vidéo avec des sous-titres en Français. Veuillez cliquer ce lien pour la traduction :

Troisième Partie: Gestion d'EM/SFC

Interested in learning how to improve your quality of life and do more of the things you love?

Pathways to Improvement is an online course for those who have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia,  Environmental Sensitivities and Long COVID. This course provides a step-by-step guided program to help you feel and live better.

Details and Registration

Veuillez noter que le cours Pathways to Improvement n'est pas offert en version bilingue.
C'est uniquement en anglais.