Introducing the team that makes my online educational programs happen.
Michael Finch ( had the vision to modernize my website so that it could host my new online course and be mobile-friendly. As he puts it, he “dragged me into the 21st century”. His creativity and knowledge of the Kajabi platform made this possible. I am very pleased with the result.
Cyndi Roberts ( is a webmaster extraordinaire who put Michael and my vision into action. She repeatedly saved me from myself by anticipating problems before they happened and worked tirelessly to ensure all aspects of the website are consistent and work as intended. She created the Pathways to Improvement graphic inspired by a sketch I sent to her at the start of this project, and also the Healing through Neuroplasticity graphic.
Jaime Vedres ( took the new photos of me and my mascots for the website. Thank you, Jaime, for your beautiful work. See if you can find the turtle and “super pig” on the site.
Michelle Pearson has worked with me in different capacities for more than ten years. She is currently my online business manager and moderates the PTI groups. She owns an interpersonal skills company called Wunjo IS ( wherein one of her offerings is supporting professionals who are improving their skills working with customers, clients, and patients.
Jocelyn Hyslip is an online marketing specialist. She is helping make the content and education more accessible and easier to find for those who need it the most.
All of the landscape images at the top of each page were taken by me during various outdoor adventures. I may not be the fastest hiker on the mountain, but due to the self-management skills, I practice and teach I make it to the mountain.
Maureen MacQuarrie is a lawyer and ME patient. She has tirelessly assisted me with scientific editing since 2010. Without her my manual, my online course and my upcoming book would not be what they are. No matter what the topic she finds references I missed which enrich the discussion. Maureen you are so generous with your time. Thank you.
Michele Brown is an educator who has ME. She has provided input to my upcoming book and to the online course. She was instrumental in the development of the concept for the “Diamond of Awareness” exercise in Chapter 1 of my upcoming book. Subscribe to the newsletter to get a free download of Chapter 1.
Karen Sherlock is a professional editor who is slowly making her way through the site teaching me more than I ever wanted to know about APA style. Hopefully my style sheet will assist me in future, although use of “which” and “that” are proving a challenge. Karen has just agreed to proofread my new book. Thank you.
Justin Smith ( is a local photographer, an IT worker and the partner of an ME patient. He took the photos of me at Elbow Falls (a favorite nature spot near Calgary) that I have used for the title slides of the online course materials. Thank you, Justin for your generosity.
Alison Rae, founder and CEO of the registered charity Action CIND ( gave the website an eagle eye and pointed out many things that could be improved. Thank you, Alison.
Beta testers of the website and the online course:
Michele Brown
June Clifford
Lynn Gaudet
Gloria Gray
Donna Hreys
Maureen McQuarrie
Michelle Pearson
Alison Rae
Monica Williamson
Christine Wuerscher
It takes a village to raise a child and to create a vision. Thank you to all who generously gave of your time to make this site accessible, accurate and beautiful. And thank you to all the patients who have taught me so much over the years; knowledge, skills and attitudes which I am now sharing with you.